I feel like it's time to start keeping a blog again, so here we are.
Basically, I will write whatever strikes my fancy, and I don't know yet what that will be.
As for the title, "Remultiplex Station"... Multiplexing, as I understand it, means combining messages/signals and sending them simultaneously down a single channel. Multiplex (as an adjective) can also mean that something has a lot of different parts or elements. So the idea behind the title is that I'm taking the vast river of information I get through the Internet, through school, etc. and breaking it down, throwing out parts I don't need, adding my own observations, and combining it again (remultiplexing, if you will) for everyone else to read.
That's just the idea. Really, the reason I went with it was because when I registered this blog a month or two ago, I just kept thinking about how cool the word "multiplex" sounded.
It's still not completely built yet; I want to create a new background image, and I'm not sure whether I'll keep the whole fixed-width programmer font or the colors or what not. I'd appreciate any input.
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to send me any thoughts you have, or even just let me know you read my stuff. I'd love to hear it.